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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pentecost XXIII - Isabel Nickerson

Dear God, I pray that the words I speak today will be your words and that the words that are heard will give honor and glory to you. All this I ask in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen

In the Gospel lesson today, Jesus was asked a question which was meant to entrap him. During this election season, we are very familiar with that kind of questioning. Jesus was asked if is lawful to pay taxes. Either way Jesus answered, he was in trouble. To say yes would have offended some – to say no would have been considered treasonous. Instead of answering the question, Jesus asked for a coin used to pay taxes. Jesus asked whose head and title was on the coin. Those who asked the question knew the answer – it was the emperor’s. Jesus then said, “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s and to God the things that are God’s.” Upon hearing Jesus’s answer, the people were amazed and went away.

So many gospel stories (parables) are like this. Jesus turns the question around. Sometimes Jesus’s answer just provokes more questions. Jesus never says what is God’s in the story.
We believe that God is the giver of all things. All that we have and all that we are is a gift of God’s generosity and grace – a symbol of God’s love for us. God is the giver and we are the receiver.

It seems to me that in Jesus answer, Jesus also acknowledges that we all have obligations that must be honored. We pay taxes and we have financial responsibilities that must be paid. Taking that into consideration, we are to give back to God a portion of what he has given to us with cheerful and thankful hearts.

The dictionary defines Stewardship as the responsible management of what is entrusted to us. It is time, talent and treasure.

My understanding of stewardship has been a work in progress. As a 12 year old at Christ Church, it was so easy. I got a $1.00 allowance; my parents expected to put a dime into the envelope. It seemed so simple then.

As a young married couple with small children, money was tight. On Saturday nights, we often were looking for money to put into our envelope. During one bible study group, a friend shared the concept of giving from the top rather than from what was left over. First Fruits had new meaning for us. Our pledge became a line item on our budget and we felt that we had come a long way. We knew that we were doing very well in the time and talent areas; we knew that our giving was short.

Years later, we heard a sermon that changed our understanding. It was titled “Strive to Tithe”. When we went home and actually did the math our pledge didn’t look good. We decided to give 2% that year and to try to increase the percentage yearly. It was important for us to examine our stewardship with our minds as well as our hearts.

Christ Church was the center of the life of the Nickerson Family and continues to be the center of my life today. The church is the backdrop of the happiest and saddest times of our life. My husband Paul and I were confirmed here. Our five children were baptized here, confirmed here and some were married here. I reflect with joy on the Church School, 1st Communion Classes, 4:00 Children’s Easter Services, Family Camp, Camp Hokey Pokey, Wednesday Afternoon Children’s Lenten Programs, youth group and countless other programs and activities that kept us busy and involved and close to God. I reflect with pride when I recall our children serving as acolytes, performing in Christmas Pageants and Jesus Christ Superstar. I remember Paul waking us up at dawn on Wednesdays during Lent so we could attend the 7 A.M. service as a family. Years later, when Beth was a young adult, I remember her meeting me at 7 A.M. to attend those services. Our parents were buried from here as was our son and my husband. It was our friends and church family who walked with us through the best and worst of times. They loved us, prayed with us, laughed with us, cried with us and cared for us in every way. Bob lovingly named our church family the God Squad, a fitting honor and compliment then and now.

As a church, we strive to bring ALL closer to Christ through worship, study, fellowship, prayer and service. We are to serve and be served. In our baptismal vows, we pledge to seek and serve Christ in all persons. We are His hands and feet in the world today as we care for each other at church and in the world.

As members of Christ Church, we are proud and thankful for all that is being given and done here and for all that ways that we reach out to others.
I remember the beginning of the space age. There was always a great celebration for the success of a flight. Without the integrity and stability of the launch pad, the flight would have been cancelled. Christ Church is the launching pad of our lives. Without the strength, integrity and financial stability of this place, we probably won’t be able to continue to do God’s work in the same way here or in the world.

Stewardship is the responsible management of what has been entrusted to us. Jesus instructed us to give to God what is God’s. As members of the Christ Church God Squad, how will you respond to Jesus this year? Amen

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